
Updates Fondazione Prossimo Mio

“Cascina Ri-Nascita” project

“Cascina Ri-Nascita” project

Today, the “Cascina Ri-Nascita” project, which takes advantage of a co-financing initiative promoted by the social enterprise “Con I Bambini,” was presented.

ERC Synergy Grant awarded to UniSR for research on immunotherapy of liver metastases

ERC Synergy Grant awarded to UniSR for research on immunotherapy of liver metastases

An international team of researchers including Valeria Fumagalli, researcher at UniSR and a grant winner of the Fondazione Prossimo Mio, has received one of the most important research grants in the EU funding landscape, the ERC Synergy Grant, to explore new immunotherapy approaches for

14TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN pediatric colorectal and pelvic reconstruction meeting

14TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN pediatric colorectal and pelvic reconstruction meeting

The “14th ANNUAL EUROPEAN pediatric colorectal and pelvic reconstruction meeting” will be held in Milan from the 25th to the 27th of November 2023. Among the presidents is Ernesto Leva,

The First Phase of the Project PortaMI a Spasso

The First Phase of the Project PortaMI a Spasso

The first phase of the project PortaMI a Spasso has begun. It involves training to become a social- and health-related worker in order to undertake activities

The 53rd National Conference of the Società italiana di chirurgia pediatrica

The 53rd National Conference of the Società italiana di chirurgia pediatrica

In September, the city of Naples hosted the 53rd national conference of the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Pediatrica (SICP), which proposes to promote research, development, implementation,

Diabetes alert dog graduation ceremony

Diabetes alert dog graduation ceremony

Maya has finally completed her training as a diabetes alert dog. For two years she worked with the dog trainer Sara De Cristofaro of the Progetto Serena Association and on Wednesday 19 July, at  the Prossimo Mio Foundation, she

32nd Annual Congress of Pediatric Surgery

32nd Annual Congress of Pediatric Surgery

At the beginning of July, the IPEG & ESPES The First Joint Meeting, one of the most important pediatric surgery congresses in the world, took place in Sorrento. For the first time, the

Inauguration of the new headquarters

Inauguration of the new headquarters

Today, the Fondazione Prossimo Mio inaugurates its new headquarters in via Torquato Tasso 8 in the “Casa Donzelli,” a really beautiful Liberty style mansion realized by the architect Enrico Zanoni.

Support for moms and babies

Support for moms and babies

The FPM has decided to help and support the Fondazione Visitatrici per la Maternità, which has always been at the side of moms needing concrete help.

Health Derby: the Policlinico di Milano vs the Ospedale Niguarda

Health Derby: the Policlinico di Milano vs the Ospedale Niguarda

The staff of the two hospitals were pitted against each other on the soccer field of Milan’s Arena Civica. Captained respectively by President Marco Giachetti and General Director Marco Brosio, and